
Couples are welcome to use City Church for their wedding ceremony. You will need to contact the church office to discuss the details including availability of the proposed date and the fees involved. The following information provides an indication of the arrangements that would apply.
Administration and Preparation
There are some administrative and preparatory requirements for a wedding at City Church.
Documentation, marriage preparation, interviews, and organising of the service. At least four interviews will be required in the process. A complete briefing on this will be given at the initial interview.
You need to be aware that specific church requirements such as provision of baptism certificates, copy of notice of marriage, and divorce certificates if applicable.
The minister requires sufficient notice prior to a wedding so that the necessary administration and preparation can be performed.
Arrangements for the wedding are to be made through the Church Office with the office administration. Weddings are not conducted during Holy Week (i.e. from Palm Sunday to Easter Eve).
Weddings can be conducted on any day except Sundays. On days other than Saturdays care must be taken to ensure clashes with other activities are avoided.
Application to be married at the City Church should be made to the Office on the form available from the church office. Further information and personal requirements will be discussed at the initial interview.
Fees for weddings are to be paid in full a fortnight before the wedding. For details of current fees please contact the church office
Phone (02) 6257 4600 or email to
For more information download the Weddings & Funerals Information sheet.